Web Site for Robert :Porter Lynch
Business Strategy, Collaborative Innovation, Strategic Alliances

Chess, Next MoveIn this rapidly changing world, without a clear strategy,
organizations are doomed to failure.

As the old adage from Alice in Wonderland goes,
 “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there”

The great maharishi of all yogis -- Yogi Berra -- said it just as well,
 “If you don’t know where you’re goin’, you’ll end up someplace else”

Strategic Imperative

Strategic direction is not just the issue. Understanding the competition and the very challenging nature of the Global Arena is absolutely essential. Most of our strategic assignments are highly confidential. However, suffice to say that the information we have garnered for our clients has saved them billions of dollars. It is worth the time and money to know what the right move needs to be in the future, and who will be the best partner in the future.

  • We give our clients critical strategic alerts if a competitor or potential partner will imperil your future.
  • We make collaborative innovation a strategic initiative across the value chain, not just an internal tactical process
  • We conduct War Gaming, Scenario Mapping, and Value Migration Analysis to position our clients for a future win.
  • We see Collaborative Innovation across organizational boundaries as a Competitive Advantage.
  • We help make Acquisitions successful and avoid the Synergy Myths.

Time is MoneyBeware:

  • Challenge without Opportunity
  • Desire without Dream
  • Drive without Destiny
  • Gap between what’s possible and what’s really happening

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